A Look Back at January 2017

Every month, I’m taking a look back at the things I learned, loved, and lived through. I’m also looking forward to the next month.

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A Look Back at May


I am learning what type of planner I am and how I can use planners without abandoning them mid-year.

I learned that California passed a law that requires homes to have fire/smoke alarms (and combination fire/smoke/carbon monoxide alarms) with a non-removable battery that lasts at least 10 years and a hush function.

Speaking of California, we are getting over the drought. According to the Drought Monitor, 38.73% of CA is out of the drought, 61.25% are Abnormally Dry, and the rest are in Severe, Moderate, or Extreme Drought. No part of the state is in the Exceptional Drought level anymore.

I learned very recently to pay attention to the things that make me cry and consider them as promptings of the Holy Spirit to pray. Any other overly emotional people out there?

This month was the Family Ministry Module in my online class and I learned a lot from Dr. Michelle Anthony. It was awesome. I already implemented some of the things I learned.


Bible journaling FTW. While I love the products from Illustrated Faith, I haven’t bought from them because money. I scoured my local Dollar Tree and the dollar bins of Michael’s craft store for stickers, gel pens, markers, ribbons, stamps, and other items I use for Bible journaling. I also scored big stamps from the Clearance section of my local Lifeway Store!

I watched “La La Land” and “The Resurrection of Gavin Stone” with my friends. Both movies were great, but I loved “The Resurrection of Gavin Stone” more because the ending did not break my heart. However, “La La Land” totally deserves all the awards it’s getting nominated for.

The Badger Sleep Balm works amazingly. I have insomnia and it’s mostly my fault. I’ve had the Badger Sleep Balm in Lavender & Bergamot since December, but didn’t open it until a few nights ago. I don’t know why I waited. It smells and is calming. The instructions say to rub it on your temples, face, neck, or lips. Lips??? I haven’t tried that, but I do rub it on my temples and neck. I’ve had great sleep these past few nights.

Starbuck’s Cascara Latte is delicious! Just the right amount of sweetness.


I turned 32 years old! I actually computed 2017 minus 1985 because 32 didn’t seem real to me, and I had some thoughts about turning 32.

I read two books: The Red Book by Mark Harper and 7 Family Ministry Essentials by Michelle Anthony and Megan Marshman. That checks off “a book about a topic or subject you already love” in Modern Mrs. Darcy’s 2017 Reading Challenge.

My sister and I tried to support our city’s hockey team, but we’re really not into sports. I want the team to do well, but I don’t have a desire to watch the games or track the scores or get to know the players. I even fell asleep while watching a game (on TV). Ah, sports just isn’t in my blood. But I enjoy knitting things in the team colors!


I look forward to reading fiction! I might start with Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen or Ted Dekker’s Hacker or A.D. 30. I’ve owned both books for a while now, but haven’t plunged in. I thought about reading one fiction and one nonfiction every month, but I’m more of a pick-up-whatever-book-you’re-feeling-at-the-moment type of gal.

The DC TV series comedy “Powerless” looks hilarious! It’s about normal people working for Bruce Wayne’s cousin to come up with products that protect normal people from the consequences of superhero battles.

It’s love month next month and this Valentine’s Day, I’m looking forward to…babysitting, again. 😀 I will do a single life series. Keep an eye out for it!

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