A Person I Admire

For the month of October, I’m joining the Write 31 Days challenge with 31 Days of Vlogging, where I blog and write for 31 days. My goal is to write on the weekends and vlog on the weekdays. Today’s post comes from the Write 31 Days writing prompt: A person you admire.

Let me switch this up a bit and tell you about an author I admire, and it’s not going to be a surprise if you follow me in Instagram. It’s C.S. Lewis.

I first heard of C.S. Lewis in college and our assigned reading, Mere Christianity. I haven’t read the whole book (we only had to read certain chapters). Then the Narnia movies came out and I tried to read the books…that was a bust.

I believe that sometimes, certain books and authors need to be read in certain moments of life. When I first read Austen, it was Emma in high school and I hated it. I hated the language and how hard it was to understand. Now, I love Austen and going through her books…slowly, but definitely surely.

It’s the same for C.S. Lewis. It started with The Screwtape Letters and then his space trilogy. He has a way of flipping traditional Christian thought on itself, and writing it in an interesting and thought-provoking way. And yet, he died in 1963.

When I started this blog, it was to honor God with my writing. It was also to be intentional with writing. Though I am a blogger, I am working on writing for children. I want to create imaginative worlds and stories that impart God’s love and timeless truths.

C.S. Lewis does that, and I admire him for it. I admire how God used him and his writing to still influence readers today.

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