Dear Diary, My Rule of Life

31 Days of Dear Diary
Read the series here.

I believe this entry was an exercise from somewhere like a class or an article I read. It’s on the Rule of Life. There are many resources on the Rule of Life that differ from each other. I think this one is to help figure out my one thing.


September 22, 2006

-things/activities you do that nourishes your spirit
My activities: dance, tae kwon do, write/journal, read Bible, hobby (knit, photography, paint, sketch, sew/alter, scrapbooking), computer, tv, commute, go to cell, hold cell, church every Sunday, teach after church classes, listen to music
-Which one nourishes my spirit? Which one/s, when I do it, make me feel whole/right/at peace/good/like I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing? What’s my Rule of Life?
-journaling, writing my thoughts, poems, songs, or emails to myself

-End transcript-

To try this exercise, list everything you do, all your activities. What do you do everyday and every week? Write it down.

Then look at your list. Which one jumps out? Which of all the things you do makes you feel purposeful? What’s your one thing? What’s your Rule of Life?

My Rule of Life

Here is a fillable PDF file of the graphic above: My Rule of Life FILLABLE.
When printing it out, make sure to select “shrink to fit printable area” option under Page scaling/options/handling. The document is 8.3×12.5 inches (just a little bit off from the regular 8.5×11 inches).


Linking up today with Fellowship Fridays.

5 thoughts on “Dear Diary, My Rule of Life

  1. Judith & Tarissa, that’s a very good point: to find out what we do that has eternal impact. But also we can start figuring out what we do that is not making an eternal impact and give those up to God so they can start having an eternal impact!

  2. Super cool fillable PDF! Excited to use it, like Judith said, to sort out which activities in my day have eternal impact and really focus in on my one thing.

  3. It was interesting to see what you do. I like the printable for writing down what you do in life. That would be a good way of seeing if something was not eternally important to be doing.

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