A Look Back at May and Awareness

Every month, I’m taking a look back at the things I learned, loved, and lived through. I’m also looking forward to the next month. Here’s my look back at May.

A Look Back at May

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May was Mental Health Awareness Month. It’s also Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month. I wrote about the former, but not the latter. Though I should have because according to my new app, my asthma is “Not Well Controlled.” My triggers included the weather, allergies, cigarette smoke, exercise…just about everything that triggers an attack triggered an attack. Here are other things I learned in May.

  • My blood pressure and heart rate are high. Enough that I couldn’t donate blood. I really need to relax and also exercise. In my head, those two are opposites, but I’m beginning to think they work hand in hand.
  • I can’t write in the library. Oh, I tried, but it was plain uncomfortable. I only managed about two hours of writing time in the library, but I sit for over twice that time in Starbucks. I’ve become that person. I’d cringe if I wasn’t getting any work done.
  • It’s super important to keep track of when to bring in your car for maintenance and inspection. Just because your car is taking you from A to B doesn’t mean there’s nothing wrong with it.


Annie F. Downs’ That Sounds Fun Podcast Book Writing episode. It came out in April, but I’ve listened to it a few times in May. It’s worth listening to if you’re a writer or thinking of writing. She shares so many great things like this, “I think that I’m not meant to create books. I’m meant to find books that God has already prepared and I’m supposed to do something with the books I find.” Right?!?

Lush’s Rub Rub Rub body scrub makes my skin SO SOFT. Lately, I decided to use up my body scrubs. I went through one I bought from Target and then moved to the Lush scrub I received as a gift. Using it everyday feels so good on my skin. Lush is on the expensive side, but now I get why people buy it.

My DIY Pride and Prejudice quote shrink carm:

I don’t know what to do with it, but it’s still adorable!


I reviewed two books this month: Who Counts? written by Amy-Jill Levine and Sandy Eisenberg Sasso, and illustrated by Margaux Meganck (my review) and The Sacrament of Happy by Lisa Harper (my review).

I also borrowed a lot of books from the library. I seem to keep borrowing books. It’s a problem because I haven’t had the time to read the ones I already borrowed. At least it’s a free problem…except for the $0.25 overdue fee I accrued.

My grandma turned 85 years old. Happy Birthday, Nanay!

That’s her sitting down. That’s my family going down memory lane. I did her makeup and realized my mountain peak-like eyebrows came from her!

Books I read in May: A.D. 33 by Ted Dekker and the two books I reviewed.

Books I’m currently reading: The Problem of Pain and Perelandra by C.S. Lewis and Kalipunan Ng Mga Tula by Rheno A. Velasco (Collect of Poems).


Is summer really here already? In June, I’m looking forward to:

  • A possible staycation with my girlfriends
  • The new Wonder Woman movie (though when I can go watch it, who knows)
  • VBS prep. It’s a lot of work, but it’s also fun work. Our VBS is in July. Kudos to the churches who do it in June. I need more time to get it all done!
  • Plus, June is our graduation testing month for the kiddos at church. So there’s that. On the hunt for grad gifts because I believe they’ll all pass!


Today I’m linking up with Emily P. Freeman and others reflecting on what they learned.

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