October Wrap Up, November Underway

One crazy month of writing is over, and another one starts.

Thank you for visiting me through the month of October and reading my #write31days challenge, 31 Days of Dear Diary. It has been revealing to say the least. I’m still trying not to be embarrassed by some of the diary entries I posted! I need to stop thinking that they are now immortalized on the web. More so, however, this series have been revealing to me.

I set out to find the girl I once was and see how she’s grown, changed, and stayed the same. I remembered some things I forgot. I found the fingerprints of God all over my life. And I’ve learned some things like:

I’ve always liked to write and I pursued it. I was a little boy crazy, but now I’ve changed. I worry about the future too much.

I also made 2 free printables/fillables 🙂 here and here.

It’s November now, and I jumped from one writing challenge to another as the holidays come bearing upon us. This is my end of the year insanity, and I think it’s only fair I warn you.

I’m doing NaNoWriMo. I’ve been doing this for a while, and here’s what usually happens:

1. I disappear from social media. If I do appear in a social media platform, I’m either procrastinating on my novel or hit a wall. If this happens, please ALL CAPS me on my social feeds and tell me to get writing 🙂

2. I start living in Starbucks (as if I don’t already), which means I’m living off caffeine. I will either be super enthusiastic or a zombie.

3. My internal body clock goes haywire because I either stay up way too late writing, or sleep in way too long after several days of mad dash writing.

I am also starting our Christmas production rehearsals for church, plus other end of the year church activities, which means…all of the above. Simply swap the words writing, novel, and Starbucks for the words planning, event, and church.

Why am I telling you all of this?

Because I don’t want you to think I disappeared if I failed to see and reply to your comments. I’m here. I’m around. And I’m excited to bring you a new series! It won’t be an everyday post like the 31 Days of Dear Diary, but it’s still a challenge to write these stuff. Here it is…

single girls guide holidays

Come on over to the landing page, that’s this one page that will have a link to all the posts in this series. Subscribe with your email address and you’ll get those posts right in your inbox 🙂

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