Gift Yourself

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Click here to read the series.

Hey you!

Yes, you.

Guess what.

You’re awesome.

You are an awesome person. You are single, for whatever reason, and you are here. Living life. Building community. And sharing what you have with other people.

Thank you for being you.

It’s time you thanked yourself too!

Look in the mirror and say, “Thank you. I’m an awesome person. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. A beautiful creation by the ultimate Creator. That’s pretty fantastic.”

Now show yourself some appreciation.

Gift yourself.

That’s right. Buy yourself something awesome. You might be taking advantage of all the Black Friday deals and sales going on right now to do your Christmas shopping. Or maybe you’ll wait a few days for Cyber Monday.

Don’t forget yourself.

You need to take the time to appreciate who you are. Not in a prideful, egotistical way. But through the eyes of God because if God loves you – and He does – you need to love you.

So when you’re budgeting for your Christmas list, add your name right at the top to remind yourself that you are pretty important too.

And oh, I’m not talking about gifting yourself something intangible like time. Like, committing to soak in a bubble bath after dinner. Or having a tech free weekend to catch up your reading. Those are great and all, but that’s not what I’m talking about.

No, no, my dear.

Think of a wonderful woman of God that has impacted your life. She speaks with life giving words. She gives godly advice. She shows up. She’s present. She’s a true friend. You want to give her a gift that reminds her of who she is. Something you can wrap or put in an envelope. Something she can open while you watch her face light up in delight.

She is you.

You are her for other people. You are her for your family, friends, neighbors, and church family. You need to be her for you.

So give her…give yourself something to remind you of the awesome person God created.

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