It’s Time to Volunteer

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Click here to read the series.

Remember when I talked about our hearts? That the holidays can be hard for us singles, and the first thing we’ve got to do is examine our hearts. Nothing we do to prepare for the holidays or to make this a jolly time will work if our hearts are not in the right place. When our hearts are just a bit (or a lot) broken. Or heavy with worries and burdens. Or focused on the things we don’t have.

Volunteering is a way to get that focus right where it should be. There’s something about giving our time and efforts for free that puts things in perspective. We start to see the need around us. We become more aware of those less fortunate. We can better appreciate the blessings we have in our lives.

This is the best time to start volunteering because there’s a need for volunteers. From soup kitchens to ministry needs, there’s a place for all of us to volunteer. There’s a place where you can use your skills and talents to help out.

I know, it’s busy. You’re busy. I’m busy. We’re all busy, and it’s a busy time of year. But if you wait until you’re not busy to start volunteering, you’ll never really start. Life will always be throwing something at you. You will always be busy. You will never find the time. When something matters, we make the time for it.

Make the time to volunteer. Make giving back matter.

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