Freedom in Change

Every milestone brings change. I talked about the freedom in milestones yesterday, but sometimes it is the change that comes with the milestones that make us feel like we’re losing freedom. Change can be paralyzing. Even though we go through changes all the time, some changes surprise us, confuse us, and make us doubt ourselves […]

When Change Happens in the Ministry

If I could describe my ministry experience in one word, it would be this: CHANGE. Change happens in life. It happens so much, we don’t always notice. Kids growing up. Us growing wiser. Friends or family drifting apart or growing closer to each other. Churches dying or reawakening. Some changes, however, are stark. They’re sudden […]

Dear Diary, My First Time on an Airplane

– Transcript – April 25, 1996 Dear Diary, USA! It’s a long time and I’m busy writing letters too. It’s neat to ride an airplane. But I don’t like take offs. So, this Tues, school time, *School is our school. 2 months only! Under Observation. Titingnan kung pwede kami sa higher grade at it’s bec. […]

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