Dear Diary, I’m Hester Prynne

-Transcript- December 8, 2001 Saturday 1:45 AM I’m tired. My English class just finished the Scarlet Letter trial. I was Hester Prynne, Amy was my daughter, Pearl, Linda was my defense lawyer, Bao questioned Chillingworth, and Charlie questioned Dimmesdale. We lost. -End transcript- This is one of my fondest high school memories. I volunteered to […]

Dear Diary, I Know It’s Not Good For Me

-Transcript- 7/17/97 Dear Diary, My cousins are here sleeping over. Our goal is to stay up late. Bad for our health, yeah. So far, we are staying up late until everyone’s asleep. Wait. Very discourageble. We’re getting sleepy. We want to stay up late but we’re sleepy. Oh, boy! I just yawned. My eyes are […]

God Does Not Wonder About You

I was writing in my prayer journal and asked God if He ever wonders about me, like how parents wonder about their children when they do something not so nice. Like how Sunday school teachers wonder about a usually well-mannered child who suddenly threw a tantrum or seemed to have been exchanged for a doppelganger with […]

The One Big Answer to Loneliness

My sister and I visited Mark Pinto‘s exhibits “Joes Come Home” and “22 Joes Everyday.” The first exhibit uses digital photo prints of G.I. Joe dolls depicting issues facing Veterans, like homelessness, PTSD, divorce, traumatic brain injury, and suicide. The second exhibit is an installation of toy parachuted soldiers hanging from nooses. It depicts 22 […]

You Have Not Been Left Behind

“They’re leaving you behind,” she told me. A very good friend of mine got engaged this past Sunday. Her fiance proposed in front of the entire church! In the midst of the congratulations, someone said THAT. Someone told me I’m being left behind. I’m being left behind. Being left behind isn’t something a Christian wants […]

Friendly or “Friendly”

I am socially awkward. I really believe that. Oh I can hack it. I can make myself be more outgoing. I can up the ante of excitement and openness. I know how to execute social graces. Because I’ve been trained. In school, in clubs, in church, I learned how to hack myself in social situations so I won’t […]

The Answer to Loneliness

One of the tallest hurdles a single person goes through is loneliness. Like the old adage, “No man is an island,” people need other people. We need people to talk to, to sit in silence with, to laugh with or cry with, and even to hold (to hug, to pat on the shoulder, to give […]

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