God’s Reminder Through a Weed

I go for a walk and find these pretty, tiny, yellow flowers growing everywhere. I pluck some stems to bring home and find a patch of it growing by the driveway. I stick the flowers in a bottle of water and place it in my room. It turns out, these flowers wake and sleep like […]

Rest and Reset + Giveaway!

I shared a free goal tracker last June. I set a goal to write fiction for at least 15 minutes everyday in July. That did not happen. Now, I’m reevaluating that goal and pressing reset. I’m striking “everyday” from the goal. I’m just going to write fiction in 15 minute increments (at least). I think […]

Short & Sweet Ministry Breaks

I can’t stress the importance of getting rest from ministry work. If you’re a ministry volunteer, worker or leader, you know how busy the ministry can get. It’s not just a Sunday thing. It takes up time and energy, and of course, we want to give our best because ministry work is for God. Remember […]

You Must Do No Work!

In Leviticus 23, God gives Moses instructions regarding Appointed Festivals. These are official days for holy assembly. Like a national holiday but with more requirements. Like rest. The Sabbath, which happens every week, is already a day of complete rest. Then there are the festivals with days where everyone must stop all their ordinary work or […]

5 Ways to Engage Your Faith

Faith is hard to hold onto when you’ve got nothing else to hold onto. It’s easy to believe that God is Jehovah-Jireh, He provides for you, when you have a job and a steady stream of income. But what if that stream dried up? What if you lost you’re job and you’re the only breadwinner […]

It’s Okay to Hurt

“She failed one class.” “But she’ll still finish this summer, right?” “Yes, but I….” And she broke down in tears, right in the middle of the small college graduation reception held at our church. It’s not uncommon – at least in my community and the schools in my district – for a student to finish […]

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