The Perfect Soft-Boiled Egg

Today I made the perfect soft-boiled egg. Actually, I made several perfect soft-boiled eggs. This video showed me how:

ALL of the eggs were perfect soft-boiled eggs. ALL of them.

You can probably guess how I know. Your first guess is probably right. I should probably hit the gym right about now.

But I just wanted to share this with you because soft-boiled eggs are hard to do. (Or they were. Thank you American’s Test Kitchen!)

Mainly, I’m sharing this because we need a little perfect in our lives from time to time.

Sometimes life is just too much. Too chaotic. Too messy. Too overwhelming. Too stressed. Too frustrating.

And I’ve found that just a little bit of perfect can turn the day around.

The perfect red lipstick gives a boost of confidence.

The perfect dance song puts a smile on our lips and a shake on our hips.

The perfect shoes helps us feel sexy, or feminine, or comfortable, or capable.

The perfect Scripture uplifts our spirit.

The perfect soft-boiled egg with the perfect cup of coffee. ‘Nuff said.

I’ll tell you a secret though.

If you’re anything like me, you’ve given up on perfection. You’ve stopped trying to figure everything out. You don’t have it all together all the time, and that’s okay. The idea of perfect gives you goose-bumps.

The secret is it’s not about finding the perfect. It’s about enjoying the little things that become perfect for one little moment. It’s giving yourself exactly the right thing for the exact right time at the exact right place.

It’s making yourself read a passage in the Bible to find encouragement (because if you do, you will).

It’s walking in those sky-high heels because they make you feel like you can take on the world.

Or it’s taking off those sky-high heels and giving yourself permission to enjoy comfort foods.

Sometimes we need to take the little bit of perfect for ourselves so we can de-stress, unwind, and just breathe. Give yourself permission to enjoy the little things. You’re allowed to have that little bit of perfection, whatever it is that gives you a moment to reclaim the day.

Go ahead. Grab that little bit of perfect. You’re allowed to have a great day.

You're allowed a bit of perfect to reclaim your day.

Linking up with Coffee For Your Heart.

4 thoughts on “The Perfect Soft-Boiled Egg

  1. This is so funny. At first I thought… really, a post about boiling eggs. But curiosity won and I watched it. I actually boiled some eggs last week and the white was still gross after 8 minutes of cooking. Now I’ll be trying this new method, haha.

      1. Angela, you have no idea how this ‘crazy’ post of yours is blessing me. God has totally used it. I am going through a season of deep inner healing but this season of healing is different from all the others I have had. I deal with trauma and usually when I went through therapy or inner work my life basically shut down. It was so heavy and hard that I couldn’t function. All I could do was concentrate on the mud… Monday in an hour long prayer session the leader prayed for me. She said that this season God was doing a new thing. It wasn’t going to be hard like previous times. I have worked hard in the past, I have gained lots and I have grown. Life doesn’t need to shut down anymore as I go through deep stuff. She talked about a kettle boiling water. But the pressure doesn’t need to be on. The steam, it’s about the steam. The kettle is open and steam comes out. And the steam is a good thing. You don’t need pressure, you can just be in steam. Today I thought about your video. It talks about people always filling the pot completely for the eggs to boil well. But in fact the eggs do better in steam. I am not sure it makes sense to you… but it blessed my heart. I thought to share. Sometimes God calls you to write a crazy, seems to be meaningless post, and somewhere, somehow it will still makes sense to someone.

        1. Hope, your words are so kind and encouraging to me. Last year I gave my writing to God as an offering and I thought it would be a great and awesome adventure. And it is, but lately He’s been telling me that even if nothing comes from it, the point is to obey by continuing to write for Him. And I’m glad this crazy egg post blessed you. And Hope, I get it. When you said, “Life doesn’t need to shut down anymore as I go through deep stuff,” I get it. It makes sense to me and I want you to know that you are not alone. Thank you for sharing your story!

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