What Love Life?

single woman blog challenge

Question 6:
Sound off on the quote “Every woman has the exact love life she wants”

I have never heard this quote before. I mention that because I wonder about its context. Without looking it up, it seems attached to a challenge for women to do something to get the exact love life we want. If we don’t, if we’re passive, then what we’ve got is what we get…and in a way, that’s what we want.

I disagree. I know there are many single women who want to be married, but are not. They don’t have the exact love life they want, do they? And if they’re not doing something about it, that doesn’t mean it’s not really what they want.

I don’t think women have to rely on themselves to achieve the love life they want. If God is their God, they can be sure that God can and will provide for them, be it health, peace, joy, finances, a husband, or love. We don’t have to be doing something or anything except trust in our God, Jehovah-Jireh, Provider.

That’s not an excuse to be lazy, to never grow as a person. I don’t think we need to put ourselves out there, date around, or have different boyfriends. I do think we need to live, and live well for God. To love Him, love ourselves, and love others. To obey Him and His seemingly ridiculous or overwhelming callings. To walk the narrow road. To forgive. To live in peace. To tell others about Jesus. To live by faith. To grow that faith. To believe by faith.

And the same Creator who knows the number of hair on our heads, and how many fall off in the shower, knows the desires of our hearts. And He will give it to us if we trust Him, delight in Him, and commit everything to Him (Psalm 37:3-5).

Question 7:
Where you are in your life vs. where you thought you would be at this point

When I was younger, I thought I’d be married by my early to mid-twenties. Then, I didn’t want to get married (anytime soon anyway), which I never thought I’d feel. Now, I’m ready (my one word for 2014). I’m ready for what God has in store for me, whatever that is and whenever that may be.

That doesn’t really answer the question, but at different stages in life, I had different ideas of where I thought I would be as I grow older. Although to tell you the truth, I don’t think I ever thought past 30!

A big life lesson for me is never to assume I know God’s big picture. If you asked me seven or eight years ago, I would have told you exactly where my life was headed. What it looked like. But life throws curve balls and things didn’t turned out as I thought they would. But God is the expert at making beauty rise from the ashes.

Only God knows how He planned and painted our lives. Even when we mess up, try to paint over His strokes, or splash paint thinner on His canvas, He never misses a beat. He’ll guide us back to Him, back to His wonderful purpose.

So my life today is not what I thought it was going to be, and I don’t ever want to speculate again. It’s not always easy to do, but it’s time to live by faith.

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