You Are Beloved


Scripture Text: Psalm 139

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Psalm 139:14 (NIV)

There is a lie that taking care of yourself first is selfish. We make a lot of sacrifices for the ones we love, especially if you’re a parent. That’s great unless you’ve sacrificed your entire being and have ran out of yourself to give.

Today we read Psalm 139 to remind us how precious we are to God. We are known by Him. We are loved by Him. We need to see ourselves in the same way.

If you knew something was extremely important to God, you would do your best to take care of it. Well, you are that extremely important thing. Are you doing your best to take care of yourself? Or have you cast yourself aside and bought that lie that you’re not worth the time and effort?

Close your eyes as you listen to my favorite worship song below. You are a beautiful beloved of God, worth caring, worth saving, worth protecting, worth healing, worth loving.

Worship Song: I’m Your Beloved by Vineyard


Lord, how glorious and majestic You are! You created the heavens and the earth, engineered in just the right way to sustain life. Thank You for giving just as much thought and love in creating me. Thank You for calling me Your beloved, Your child, and Your friend. Thank You for creating me in just the right way so I can honor You and fulfill the purpose You have set upon my life. Forgive me for not seeing how precious I am to You and treating myself in such a way. As I move forward in health and selfcare, help me remember that I am loved and worth the time and effort to be loved. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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