A Look Back at April 2018

Every month, I’m taking a look back at the things I learned, loved, and lived through. I’m also looking forward to the next month. This is my look back at April. It’s a little late, but here goes.

A Look Back at May


April was about building healthy habits that my body was not used to. I was adjusting to a new rhythm of life and taking things one day at a time. In April, I learned to give myself grace because some days just won’t work out the way I want them to. That nice, new rhythm I thought I had will break or change, and I have to be flexible enough to adapt and change, too.

I also learned that I need a new way of handling disappointments. Something I really wanted, prayed for, and was excited about didn’t happen, and I didn’t take it well. Let’s just say a whole day was spent moping around. Maybe that’s okay if that’s what’s needed for me to pick myself up the next day. I’m not sure if it is, so I kind of want a quicker, more productive way to bounce back. Any suggestions?


“Avengers: Infinity War” was…. Are there even any words???

Loved my last-minuted Vegas getaway with my sister and all the free swag from Southwest Air.


Finished reading Persuasion by Jane Austen. It was such a quicker read than Pride and Prejudice. It felt like reading a Hallmark movie, honestly!

I attended a few live online events including the Orange Conference online stream. I learned so much and took a lot of notes, but haven’t gone back, reviewed, and unpacked it all. Worth it to stream these expensive conferences for FREE and learn from home.

Totally lived through “A Quiet Place.” It was girls’ night and we braved through it. It actually was a good movie, but I’m just not a scary movie kind of girl.


May’s already underway and I’m looking forward to:

  • Mother’s Day
  • Writing, writing, writing

It’s hard not to feel like I used up all my brain cells, but I’m trying.

Here’s me on April 25, “It’s not too hot, not too cold. All you need is a light jacket!” (the perfect date, Miss Congeniality).



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