“Well, I hear that a lot. People want to change the world. Don’t know how to begin. You want to know how to change the world, son? One act of random kindness at a time.” I adore that scene from the movie, Evan Almighty, where God laughs at Evan when he said building an ark […]
The Case for Ministry
I have been part of a ministry in my local church since I was 14 years old. That would be 17 consecutive years (as of writing this post). I have seen the good, the bad, and the ugly side of ministry, and yet I still believe serving in a ministry of your local church is […]
Packing a Shoebox
I have written about Operation Christmas Child before, and here’s another plug for it. I’m not getting paid to tell you about it. I’m not getting any endorsements or products for writing about it. I honestly love doing this! It’s so simple and easy, but the impact is eternal. Here’s the official website where you […]
Saying No is Selfcare
While service is part of selfcare, knowing when to say “no” is also important. It is also part of selfcare. “No” sounds negative. Growing up, I was never taught to say, “No.” I wasn’t taught to ask questions or weigh my personal needs against the needs of others. To be a good girl and ultimately […]
Service and Selfcare
Selfcare is not inaction. It isn’t just the stopping of doing things like stop working, stop saying yes to everyone, or stop stressing out. Selfcare is the intentional action of taking care of yourself like going to the doctor, cutting back on social media, or forgiving yourself. Practicing service is one of those intentional actions […]
Come Alive
Scripture Text: 1 Kings 19:1-18 11 The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.” Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind […]
Motivational Selfcare Quotes
For a change, allow the words of others to encourage and motivate you to practice selfcare. Praciting selfcare is important to your health and even the health of others. If you are not well, you cannot give your best to those around you. Don’t just find time for selfcare, make time for it. Invest in […]