
Break, Duty, and Blogiversary

Oh my goodness, I’m back! The past month of July was an unintentional break from the blog. The first two weeks were all about VBS, then an inability to find words in the midst of a lot of heartache around the world, and then technical website host problems that didn’t get resolved until yesterday. How. […]

A Look Back at June and Pride and Prejudice

Every month, I’m taking a look back at the things I learned, loved, and lived through. I’m also looking forward to the next month. Here’s my look back at June 2016. LEARNED Out of sight, really is out of mind. When it comes to Summer Goals, I had to post them up somewhere I can […]

Goal Tracking + Free Printable

Out of sight really is out of mind. The main Scripture for family ministry is Deuteronomy 6:6-9, 6 These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when […]

National Pink Day

  Happy National Pink Day! Can you tell it’s my favorite color? There’s a reason for it, too. Maybe if I tell you, you’d think oddly of me, but I don’t mind. 😉 I was a girly girl, but growing up, I was reprimanded for being too girly. There’s a Filipino word for it: malandi. It […]

Breathing Room to Start Over

My best friend gave me some plants. “Just experiment,” she told me. I’ve said it before. Me and plants…well, we haven’t found a good rhythm yet. I tend to kill them. Not on purpose…just out of ignorance. I managed to grow some herbs and spinach from seeds, but I couldn’t get them to the next […]

Weekend Fun and Summer Goals

Happy June! How did your summer begin? I know, it’s not official yet, but vacation is in high gear. We held our Summer Family Night recently where the families created a bucket list. They decorated a big plastic tumbler and wrote activities they can do together on wooden craft sticks. I took the inspiration from bucket […]

Looking Back at May and Mental Health

Every month, I’m taking a look back at the things I learned, loved, and lived through. I’m also looking forward to the next month. Here’s my look back at May 2016. LEARNED I meant to write a round-up post to my Mental Health Awareness posts last week, but it was finals week at school and […]

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