May is Mental Health Awareness Month and I want to share with you my mental health story, but first things first: I’m not a physician. If you’re suffering from a mental illness, please see your doctor. I hope my story can help someone else feel less alone, be motivated to seek help, or to be more […]
Fake It ‘Till You Make It
May is Mental Health Awareness Month and I want to share with you my story, but first things first: I’m not a physician. If you’re suffering from a mental illness, please see your doctor. I hope my story can help someone else feel less alone, be motivated to seek help, or to be more understanding of […]
Mental Health Awareness: The Things Unsaid
May is Mental Health Awareness Month and I want to share with you my story (especially since I said I would). But first things first: I’m not a physician, and if you’re suffering from a mental health issue, then please go see your doctor. It’s my hope that by sharing my story, I could help […]
A Look Back at April & Spring Cleaning
Every month, I’m taking a look back at the things I learned, loved, and lived through. I’m also looking forward to the next month. Here’s my look back at April 2016. LEARNED Last year, I started to declutter my life in response to God asking me to let go of some things. I’m here to […]
Did I Choose the Right Path?
I have asthma, so I could never run as fast or as far as my classmates. But I’m also a bit stubborn, so I found a running sport that I exerted myself in: Sprints. I didn’t have to run far. I just had to run very fast in a short distance, and then use my […]
Weekend Fun and Book List
I haven’t written a Weekend Fun post in a while, so I thought I would because fun is important. Someone I knew posted a harsh criticism of our president because of a video of him dancing. He was criticized for being a bad president because he was having fun instead of working. I wouldn’t […]
Seasons of Winter Lead to Seasons of Spring
At school, there’s a pathway lined with trees and benches. The semester started in Winter when the trees were rattling branches, bare and dreary. Today, seemingly out of nowhere, they’re in full bloom. Their bright green leaves provide shade and shelter for both students and birds. They dance with the wind and breathe life to […]