It’s the last Weekend Fun post for the 31 Days of Freedom series! I have been sick these past couple of weeks so I’ve been playing catch up with my Freedom posts. You can read the ones I’ve written by clicking on the image below. Read 5 Traits of Creative Leaders by Erik Wahl […]
The Freedom in the Mirror
I grew up hearing people call me fat and that did two things. One, it created my tough chick alter ego, and two, it gave me a love-hate relationship with mirrors. To stop myself from falling apart whenever someone said something negative about me or to my face, I had to start being tough. I […]
Freedom in the Pain
There is a knitting term called tinking, which is to un-knit your knitted work. It is to unravel your work in order to correct a mistake. When I use a complicated pattern or when I use no pattern and knit on the fly, I tend to tink all the time because I knit while watching a […]
The Freedom in Owning Your Faith
My college professor would tell you that I’m predisposed to Christianity, which means I’m more likely to accept Jesus as the Lord and Savior of my life. I gave him that because it’s true. I was born into a Catholic family in a traditionally Catholic country. At the time, I felt like my faith wasn’t […]
Freedom in Peace
I have a hot temper. People I know in real life don’t believe me because I hardly show it. That would be thanks to my INFP-ness. INFPs don’t like confrontations, so even though my temper flares up quickly more often than I like, I reign it in. The Bible tells us to, “Do all that […]
Freedom You Already Have
The one thing I keep going back to when I think of freedom is the softly spoken words from God to walk into the freedom I already have. I don’t know if you’re like me, but I struggle with feelings of guilt and failure. They stop me from giving myself grace and moving forward. Why […]
Freedom to Volunteer
Yesterday, I shared with you some things that inspire me to get out of the funk and get back into living in freedom. One of the best ways to be inspired, however, is to volunteer. It does our souls good to give our time and energy to a worthy cause. While giving money is important […]