
Looking Back at July and VBS

At the end of each month, I’m looking back at the things I learned, loved, and lived through. This is my look back at July. LEARNED I learned that opening yourself to the world means risking getting hurt, but also getting blessed. July was full of surprising blessings for me, usually in the form of […]

Weekend Fun

This article on intimacy by Kat Harris where she wrote, “This year I turn 30. I’m still single, and still a virgin…More than purity what I’m really fighting for is wholeness.” Oh, hello. Me too. This article by Heidi Priebe on how to recognize different Myers-Briggs personality types in real life. I really just looked up […]

Crossing Over a Hill

Starbucks was less than a mile away. At least that’s what Google told me as I left the beach in search of coffee and free wifi. I hiked up a street and walked down two flights of stairs. I went around some buildings. I stopped inside Walgreens for water because I didn’t know how much […]

Growing in the Unfamiliar and New

I drove my brother to his college for a midterm. He just graduated from high school and now he’s taking an online summer class at the college he’s going to in the Fall (that’s my brother for you). We were in an unfamiliar city and after dropping him off, I drove around. Sort of. With […]

Weekend and Color Fun

Apparently I am a Yellow Personality. According to Dr. Carol Ritberger, I’m independent, creative, vibrant, and friendly. I think outside the box, value my freedom, hold stress in my abdominal area, and prone to tension headaches when I feel out of control. I’ve never heard of stress in my tummy, but maybe it’s whenever I feed it […]

There Goes a Powerful Woman

Tired, late, and frazzled, I strode to my car eager to get home and collapse on my bed, but knowing there’s a sink full of dishes to clean. I juggled two bags and take-out because as much as “home-cooked meal” sounds better tasting and better for my health, the idea of doing more work at […]

A Look Back at June & Summer Progress

At the end of each month, I’m looking back at the things I learned, loved, and lived through. This is my look back at June. LEARNED In June I learned how to find simple pleasures and I’m still learning. We hear summer and think vacation, and I always feel like I need to go on […]

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