Question 6: Sound off on the quote “Every woman has the exact love life she wants” I have never heard this quote before. I mention that because I wonder about its context. Without looking it up, it seems attached to a challenge for women to do something to get the exact love life we want. […]
Single Life Fear and Misconception
Question 4: Your biggest fear as a single person. It would be obvious to say I fear not meeting the man I’m going to marry, and sometimes I fear that. On those days when I haven’t gotten out of the house or the city for a long time and I wonder how I can meet […]
Good and Bad Days for Being Single
Question 2: Describe a moment or a day when being single really sucked. It was a night out with friends. A big group of us went to a prayer hill overlooking a city. It was a beautiful sight and a very cold night. Two friends just got married. Two just entered into a relationship. And […]
Why Are You Still Single?
Question 1: Your response to everyone’s favorite question: “And why are YOU still single?” Short answer: In God’s time. Long answer: I chose to be single. Or rather, God asked me to wait and I said yes. My generation went through the “kiss dating goodbye” and “I’m waiting” trend, mania, phase, whatever you want to […]
The Single Woman’s 30-Day Blogging Challenge
Back in October, Mandy Hale hosted The Single Woman’s 30-Day Blogging Challenge. I really wanted to do this, but I was already doing the Nester’s 31 Days Challenge. You can read all about my 31 Days of Passion, and this month, you can read my answers to The Single Woman’s 30-Day Blogging Challenge or TSW30DBC. […]
Ministry P.L.A.N.
I found this article by Todd McKeever, Work Your P.L.A.N. for Ministry Success, in Kidzmatter very helpful in planning for the ministry, and maybe it can help you too. The acronym P.L.A.N. asks you some questions to help you focus and meet your goals. You can use it for a general ministry plan or for […]
Love Language & Free Resources
UPDATE (Sept 2014): I took down that page because I refocused and reworked my blog. I still want to offer free resources so please stay tuned. Currently, I’m working on a free devotional ebook for blog subscribers (be sure you subscribe!). Today’s my birthday! Since Receiving Gifts* is one of my top love languages (both […]