
A Look Back at January 2018

Every month, I’m taking a look back at the things I learned, loved, and lived through. I’m also looking forward to the next month. This is my look back at January 2018 and the beginning of the year. Affiliate links are included below. I may make a commission from purchases made through these links, but […]

Book Review: Isaiah’s Daughter

I received a free Advanced Reader’s Copy of “Isaiah’s Daughter” as part of the launch team and in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. Affiliate links are included below. I may make a commission from purchases through those links, but there are no further costs to you. Title: Isaiah’s Daughter: A Novel […]

33 Moments in My 33 Years

It’s my birthday! Last year, I shared 32 Moments in my 32 Years, and this year, I’m turning it into a tradition. Here are 33 moments in my 33 years. Can you guess which of the moments below happened last year? Last year, I ate poke (and raw fish in general) for the first time! […]

My One Brave Thing

Brave. It’s #myoneword for 2018. It popped up everywhere. It’s what I need to be to make the changes I planned for this year. It’s my reminder to live by faith one step at a time. A nagging voice comes around asking, “What is the one brave thing you’ll do this year?” I have no […]

Hello, 2018!

It’s like I dropped off the face of the planet, but if you follow me on IG, you know I just entered a super busy season and that’s why I haven’t written much here. But it’s a new year and introspective little me wants to share (and document) what 2017 has been like and what […]

So Now I’m On Amazon

Someone in a kidmin Facebook group posted their fundraising idea and I adopted it. So now I’m on Amazon. [amazon_link asins=’1979806047′ template=’ProductAd’ store=’annaang00-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’39c45d82-dba0-11e7-9a44-cd254124a5aa’] I reimagined the nativity story into a poem and had our children illustrate it. I only wish I had a scanner (for better picture quality) and a lot more time […]

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