
Quiet Passion: Worship

I find it kind of ironic that a Pentecostal would call worship a quiet passion. Aren’t we on the crazy side? 😀 But like I wrote yesterday, it’s the heart that God looks at. That goes for worship too. Bottom line is whether we worship loudly or quietly, our hearts have to be in the […]

Quiet Passion: Prayer

“So do you like pray a lot?” Jesse asked. “No,” I answered. Silence. “Yeah,” he said slowly. “You know there are people who are like, ‘I’m a prayer warrior.’ But what does that really mean? And who are you to say that?” It was one of those moments that reminded me how awkward I can […]

Quiet Passion: the Word

“So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” Romans 10:17. I took this literally one day. I have Bible reading plans in YouVersion, and I decided to start listening to them instead of reading them. Can I back track? The hard truth is there was a time when I stopped reading […]

The Passion of Jesus

When Jesus was 12 years old, He stayed behind in Jerusalem without His parents’ knowledge while they traveled back to Nazareth after the Passover celebration (Luke 2:41-52). When Mary & Joseph realized Jesus was not travelling with them, their relatives, or their friends, they went back to Jerusalem searching for Him. Three days later, they […]

Owning Your Faith

Today I went to an Operation Christmas Child kick off event/pep rally, and I saw many people from many churches exhibit their passion for the simple act of packing a shoe box. There were people there who have been packing shoe boxes since they were kids. There were people there who would travel for hours […]

The Prodigal’s Road Home

It’s a familiar story. The prodigal son takes his inheritance, leaves home, squanders everything, gets a job feeding pigs while he’s starving, realizes his mistake, goes back home to work as a servant, but is welcomed by his father with love and celebration (Luke 15:11-32). But the story doesn’t tell us what happens to the […]

Never Alone

A couple of weeks ago, I started getting calls from a number I don’t recognize. The caller finally left a voice message. She was looking for Kristen. Obviously a wrong number, so I picked up the next time she called. “Hello, Kristen?” “No, sorry. Wrong number.” “Is this [my phone #]?” “Yeah. But this is […]

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