What is Big?

Recently, an acquaintance asked me some getting-to-know-you-better questions. Concerning writing, he asked, “What big projects have you done?” Two points for a question nobody’s asked before. It was specific and would have given him an insightful information except for the fact that he was talking to me. I know he was either making small talk or […]

Introvert Jesus

I don’t know if Jesus is an introvert or an extrovert. If anything, He might be both, but it doesn’t matter. I know that He is God and cannot be categorized. He doesn’t fall into any personality spectrum. He is both simple in that He simply loves us, and complicated in that we cannot fathom […]

A Different Relationship

God, show me how to live this new life. I don’t want to go back to my first love for You. I want growth, and I have grown. I’m older, hopefully wiser, definitely different. I want an older, wiser, and different relationship with You and understanding of You. One day, in a moment of introspection, […]

Quiet Passion: Worship

I find it kind of ironic that a Pentecostal would call worship a quiet passion. Aren’t we on the crazy side? 😀 But like I wrote yesterday, it’s the heart that God looks at. That goes for worship too. Bottom line is whether we worship loudly or quietly, our hearts have to be in the […]

Quiet Passion: Prayer

“So do you like pray a lot?” Jesse asked. “No,” I answered. Silence. “Yeah,” he said slowly. “You know there are people who are like, ‘I’m a prayer warrior.’ But what does that really mean? And who are you to say that?” It was one of those moments that reminded me how awkward I can […]

Quiet Passion: the Word

“So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” Romans 10:17. I took this literally one day. I have Bible reading plans in YouVersion, and I decided to start listening to them instead of reading them. Can I back track? The hard truth is there was a time when I stopped reading […]

The Passion of Jesus

When Jesus was 12 years old, He stayed behind in Jerusalem without His parents’ knowledge while they traveled back to Nazareth after the Passover celebration (Luke 2:41-52). When Mary & Joseph realized Jesus was not travelling with them, their relatives, or their friends, they went back to Jerusalem searching for Him. Three days later, they […]

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