I know I’ve been oh so quiet since the past couple of weeks. I must admit, that’s me, pondering thoughts to death. Except for this time. I prefer to think I pondered them to life! Because tomorrow is this blog’s 1st year anniversary, and I’ve been working on some new things. 1. I updated my About […]
God Guides You
There was a game show where the contestant has to cross a body of water by jumping from one boulder to another. Some boulders were unstable. If he steps on one, it flips or collapses. If he can’t recover in nanoseconds, he’s in the water and game over. Some boulders were stable, solid, and safe. But the […]
Swimming Laps
I joined the YMCA. They have lap time in the pool where members swim laps. Back and forth. Backstroke. Freestyle. Any style. With or without kickboards. Just laps. As someone who hates running, I love the idea of swimming as exercise. That I could do. My sister and I get to the pool early Saturday […]
Expect Everything, Extend Grace
There’s a scene in the movie “Did You Hear About the Morgans?” that stuck with me. This separated husband and wife, Paul and Meryl Morgan, witnesses a murder and has to go into witness protection. These city dwellers are placed in a remote town with no access to the Internet, phones, and anyone from their former […]
It’s Okay to Hurt
“She failed one class.” “But she’ll still finish this summer, right?” “Yes, but I….” And she broke down in tears, right in the middle of the small college graduation reception held at our church. It’s not uncommon – at least in my community and the schools in my district – for a student to finish […]
That Roller Coaster Feeling
I don’t like riding roller coasters. They’re scary. I’ve only been on 2 roller coasters, and both times was because I caved into peer pressure. My friends threatened to ditch me if I didn’t ride with them. Kids can be so cruel. You know what it is that scares me? The ride begins to climb. You […]
Neverending Storms, Neverending God
I’ve been trying to process a conversation I had with someone I hadn’t seen in many years. I think it would make a great story or a nice post if only I can figure out the lesson. I want to share it, but not leave it where it left me. The conversation forced me to […]