On Good Friday We Remember His Death, But Not Me

It boggled my church kids to find out Jesus was 30 years old when He started His ministry, and 33 when He died. I asked them, “How old are you? If you started your ministry now, how much can you do?” A lot, they answered. I’m 32. It’ll be a more intense reflection next year, […]

What’s My Part in the Big God Story?

Our kids at church have been learning about The Big God Story, a curriculum from Dr. Michelle Anthony. Whenever I teach, I also learn, but these lessons have shifted the way I think about God’s plans. God has a plan, doesn’t He, for us? A good, prosperous, and hopeful plan (Jeremiah 29:11). In God, we […]

Redefining Modesty

The other day, I wore a dress and stuck leftover rice in the refrigerator to keep it from spoiling. Spring has come. Officially, it came in March, but it’s just now the California sun is starting to show off, and that means Daisy Dukes and bikinis on top are about to show up. Every time […]

It’s Crazy Out There So Prepare Yourself

As we piled into the car on a night guaranteed to have congested traffic, my sister said, “It’s going to be crazy out there so prepare yourself mentally.” It’s stuck ever since because I’ve never even considered mental preparation when it came to traffic. My mantra was to just get through it, but preparing for […]

When Que Sera Sera is A-Okay

I was the little perfectionist growing up. Everything had to be done right, so I took risks in secret (because if I failed, nobody will know), hid unfavorable consequences to my actions, and cheated my way out of my mistakes. All to present a picture of perfection because I believed that if I wasn’t, I would […]

Come Alive

Scripture Text: 1 Kings 19:1-18 11 The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.” Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind […]

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