My best friend gave me some plants. “Just experiment,” she told me. I’ve said it before. Me and plants…well, we haven’t found a good rhythm yet. I tend to kill them. Not on purpose…just out of ignorance. I managed to grow some herbs and spinach from seeds, but I couldn’t get them to the next […]
Did I Choose the Right Path?
I have asthma, so I could never run as fast or as far as my classmates. But I’m also a bit stubborn, so I found a running sport that I exerted myself in: Sprints. I didn’t have to run far. I just had to run very fast in a short distance, and then use my […]
Seasons of Winter Lead to Seasons of Spring
At school, there’s a pathway lined with trees and benches. The semester started in Winter when the trees were rattling branches, bare and dreary. Today, seemingly out of nowhere, they’re in full bloom. Their bright green leaves provide shade and shelter for both students and birds. They dance with the wind and breathe life to […]
My Soul Has Been Stirred
All week long, I’ve been trying to get the right words out, but maybe I just shouldn’t mince it. So here goes. I ended a recent journal entry with these words, “I think I lost myself.” By that I meant, I had allowed the biggest, deepest, most passionate dream of mine to enter a slow […]
When I Struggle to Believe
I watched “Risen” (now playing) about a Roman tribune, Clavius, who leads a manhunt for the body of Jesus, believed to have been stolen by the disciples. Spoiler Alert!!! Sort of…. Knowing the story of Jesus, it shouldn’t be a surprise that Clavius comes face-to-face with the risen Christ, and it changes his life. And yet, […]
What Does It Mean to Turn the Other Cheek?
When I was younger, someone who had hurt me was sharing a message. In my anger, I was about to get up and leave. My best friend stopped me. She urged me to stay. That was one of the wisest advice I’ve ever received. When Jesus said to turn the other cheek, I used to […]
When You’re Flying Blind
I thank God for great bladder control because I’m a window-seat person. On a plane, I love leaning my head by the window and watching the landscape below. Sadly, living in a valley, there’s not much to look at since we’re usually covered by clouds. Flying in our out, interesting views pass by quickly. In […]