This little space is turning two years old on Thursday! Was it only two years ago that I felt a turning point come in my life? An awakening from a long slumber. A pouring of new wine into new wineskin. Two years ago, I had a nudge to honor God with my writing. Not One […]
Growing in the Unfamiliar and New
I drove my brother to his college for a midterm. He just graduated from high school and now he’s taking an online summer class at the college he’s going to in the Fall (that’s my brother for you). We were in an unfamiliar city and after dropping him off, I drove around. Sort of. With […]
A Man, A Bet, and A Bookie
I had just settled down with my coffee and laptop when a man asked for the time. “Three o’clock already?” he replied and got on the phone. Then he asked if I could check the Live Scores on “Goal?” I asked. “Yes, goal,” he said. He raised his hands, “Like Gooooo-aaaaa-lllll! Goal dot com.” He […]
Faith to be Saved and Healed
The moments I treasure most in the ministry are the ones when kids ask about God or Jesus on their own, and I get to pray with them to ask Jesus as their Savior. I always struggle not to cry because they’re oh so adorable and sincere! Yet I know, as you all know, that […]
Selfish Faith
I decided to be selfish. In my car, on a rainy day, burned out and fed up, I decided to be selfish. And it was exactly what I needed. And what I didn’t. It was one of those decisions that I thought would relieve me of stress and get me back on track. And to […]
A Pattern of Good Behavior
In a prayer meeting one night, God impressed a question in my heart. “Why are you praying like you’re living in sin? Like you’re unrighteous? I am faithful to forgive your sins and cleanse you from all unrighteousness. You have been forgiven, but you live on the sidelines like you’re not allowed to enter the game. […]
One More Round
Last week was brutal for me as I was sick the entire time. I felt like lightning striking me twice because I was just sick. I just got better. I was just getting into a good rhythm of daily life. Then bam! Sick again. We know that life’s not fair, but there are moments when you really feel it, […]