Today I turned 32 and one of my first thoughts was, “I don’t know what this age means.” Sixteen meant freedom because I can drive. Eighteen meant possibilities because I entered college. Twenty-one meant responsibilities because I was legally a full-pledged adult. With every age since then, I’ve had an idea of what that age […]
First Weekend Fun of the New Year
How did your new year begin? Chaotic and stressful? Relaxing and fun? Mine was congested, as in I have a cold! I know quite a few people who are under the weather so I pray for healing for all of you. Drink lots of fluid and take lots of rest. And if you’re not sick, […]
Looking Forward to 2017
How do you enter a pool? Do you cannonball in, making the biggest splash you possibly can? Or do you walk down the steps, ease yourself in, hop around the cool water until your body adjusts to the temperature? I’m the latter. At least when it comes to everyday things, I like to ease into […]
Weekend Fun and a Tale as Old as Time
It’s been a long while since I did a Weekend Fun post or any blog post for that matter. I’m emerging from NaNoWriMo, which is like getting off a boat after being at sea for a while or returning home from a long vacation. There’s an adjustment period where I have to re-learn grace as […]
A Look Back at August & Summer
Every month, I’m taking a look back at the things I learned, loved, and lived through. I’m also looking forward to the next month. Here’s my look back at August 2016. LEARNED Throughout August, I chased one thing: a vacation. I had an itch to hop on a plane and go. It didn’t matter where. […]
Are You a Pantser?
My second favorite story in the Bible is when Philip teleported. You can read it in Acts 8:26-40, but basically, the Spirit told Philip to go up to an Ethiopian eunuch who happened to be reading the book of Isaiah. Philip explained that the passage spoke of Jesus, shared the Gospel, baptized the eunuch, and […]
Looking for Lovely Book Review
For my Reading Challenge 2016 “a book you’ve been meaning to read” selection, I picked Looking for Lovely by Annie F. Downs. It’s her most recent book that I pre-ordered and have been wanting to read ever since it came in the mail, but school and its required readings kept pushing it down the read pile. Finally, […]