Turning 40 Years Old and My 2025 OneWord

I’m 40! It’s a milestone birthday, but the truth is, I don’t feel any big shift. I’ve been waiting for it to drop, that je ne sais quoi feeling, I don’t know what, but it’s something. Yet I got nothing. I had a great celebration with family and friends, but that undefinable feeling that was […]

Turning 38 Years Old & My One Word

I turned 38 years old, and I have been trying to figure out how I feel about that. It feels like an in-between age with an added sense of urgency. Thirty-eight isn’t a milestone birthday like 35 or 40. It feels like just another year. Yet it’s close enough to 40 that it also feels […]

My 2019 One Word & 34th Year

One of the things I like about being a January baby is starting my year 16 days later than everyone else. It’s not very productive, but I feel like it takes about that long to recover from the holidays and get my head on straight and ready for the new year ahead. So no more […]

My One Brave Thing

Brave. It’s #myoneword for 2018. It popped up everywhere. It’s what I need to be to make the changes I planned for this year. It’s my reminder to live by faith one step at a time. A nagging voice comes around asking, “What is the one brave thing you’ll do this year?” I have no […]

I Forgot About Being Ready

Ready. Have I forgotten already? The one word that God impressed in my heart for 2014. The word that reminds me of where a I’m standing. I’m standing on a precipice. Poised to fly. Or to retreat. There are two ways I can go, but only one way I want to go. Forward. Forward into the plans […]

That Roller Coaster Feeling

I don’t like riding roller coasters. They’re scary. I’ve only been on 2 roller coasters, and both times was because I caved into peer pressure. My friends threatened to ditch me if I didn’t ride with them. Kids can be so cruel. You know what it is that scares me? The ride begins to climb. You […]

Wifey Requirements for Singles

The very first thing I ever cooked were hotdogs, which wasn’t actually cooking since you really only need to heat them through. But I didn’t do that because I was around 7 years old. What would I know, right? So my mom showed me how to cut diagonal slits on the hotdogs, and told me that when […]

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