Dear Diary, I Can’t Take It

31 Days of Dear Diary
Read the series here.

December 29, 2002Dear Diary poem 3

Living a life,
Beaten, abused.
My little heart,
Stepped on and used

Though not as great,
The things I face,
The hurts are deep,
In every case.

I can’t take it,
I want to die.
On His shoulder
My head, I lie.
I cry and sigh.

But in His love
I live and stay
In His embrace
I stay all way

-Angela Sangalang

Read here about the the poems I found tucked in my old journals, and why I’m sharing them with you unedited! But I might end up regretting that decision because…c’mon, what does “I stay all way” mean??? 😀

Have a great weekend, friend!

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