At the end of each month, I’m looking back at the things I learned, loved, and lived through. This is my look back at April.
Found out what happens when Bratz dolls get a make-UNDER. Love.
Sonia Singh is the woman behind Tree Change Dolls, and she has tutorials on her YouTube channel. I definitely want to try it! If you want it for a young girl in your life, sorry to tell you that they’re sold out! But you can upcycle your own dolls or wait for the next set of dolls to be available (her Etsy shop says May 10).
I also learned that I’m still vulnerable to procrastination. I held a child abuse training at church and I didn’t finish my materials ahead of time. It all worked out though, thank the Lord!
On the blog, I wrote about dating lies from friends and my mom, taking breaks, and being popular and selfish.
I joined the world of smartphones. I’m having fun with it, although I don’t feel like I’m using it to its full capacity, probably because I would still prefer to use my laptop. But here are the apps I’ve loved.
Bible for Kids app from, the same people behind YouVersion. Our Sunday School kids love it! I love it! Check it out. It’s free!
Instagram. I know I’m late to the party, but I like being able to share pictures quickly 🙂 I’m not much of a selfie photographer, and I’ve yet to learn how to best use IG in connection with my blog, but it’s fun!
Sleep by Android because I’m a sleep talker and it recorded all sorts of random sentences like, “Happy birthday, right?” and “Got these toddlers.”
To make that less creepy, I want to make it clear that I teach the Toddlers Sunday School class every Sunday and I’m in the middle of writing our own curriculum because what we’re doing isn’t working out. Anyway, I might delete the Sleep app because Sleep Tracking is only a trial version.
Pinterest. So helpful when I’m in the grocery store and don’t know what to do about dinner. Yeah, I’m not a plan first, shop later kind of gal.
I joined in The Orange Conference Live Stream, which I am loving! I’m learning so much from the sessions and interviews they stream live. It ends tomorrow and definitely worth tuning into for those interested in family ministry or just hearing wisdom from great ministry leaders.
Sorted Food picked my comment for one of their videos, and I just about hyperventilated at 1 in the morning when I saw it. Lived through that!
I’m also amassing quite a lot of books and resources to read and go through, mostly for the ministry (like the first Mighty Kidmin Deals) but also for personal use like Pat Mesiti’s Pathway to Prosperity: The 12 Steps to Financial Freedom and André Olivier’s Principles for Business Success
What about you? Look back at this April and let me know what you’ve learned, loved, and lived through!
Linking up with Emily at Chatting At the Sky and Leigh at What I’m Into.
Hello, I’m visiting from Chatting at the Sky link up. So nice to meet you! I use Pinterest at the grocery store sometimes too. ; ) And Instagram….so fun!
Nice to meet you too! Joining Instagram so late feels like exploring a whole new world 🙂