The Church is one Body made up of many parts. We all have a purpose and a function in and for the Kingdom of God. The church is the same way. Different people do different things to help run the church and help the church be strong and effective. Not one person or ministry is more important than another because God gave each a role that ultimately spreads His love and glorifies Him.
I believe that part of and an indication of our growth and maturity as individuals is selflessly giving back to the people around us, like through volunteerism, philanthropy, or mentorship. That goes for our growth and maturity in faith. We give back through the ministry. But what ministry?
Like there are many parts of the Body, there are many kinds of ministry. But that’s not to say that everything we do, or every good thing we do, because we’re Christians, is a kind of ministry. I think a ministry brings people closer to God. With that in mind, we can have a ministry in and out of church, and be a part of a ministry in different ways.
We can be in a ministry completely (filled out forms, was trained, and attends meetings), or help out seasonally or on a project/event basis. We can be in a ministry through prayer or financial support only. Our ministries can be child sponsorship or participating in events like Operation Christmas Child or using our talents in different ways through different mediums (like online) to bring people closer to God.
But I think, when we say that something is our ministry, it has to be something we do consistently. It becomes part of our lives because we’re pouring ourselves into it to help bring people closer to God. It’s like consistently throwing pebbles into the water to create ripples upon ripples. It’s our part in the Body. The eye doesn’t see once and then stops working. Likewise, our ministry is not a one-off. Whatever it is, it’s consistent.
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