No Longer Paralyzed in Fear

We’re all scared of something. Like some people are scared to go skydiving or bungee jumping. Or how I’m scared to go on roller coasters, of touching animals, and bugs.

You can stop laughing now.

A level of fear is healthy because it makes us cautious and careful. Being scared to walk alone at night could protect us from unsavory characters by making sure we walk in numbers. But I used to get what I now call paralyzing fear.I think it’s the kind of fear they talk about in 2 Timothy 1:7.


It’s the kind of fear that stopped me from doing something. It paralyzed me from moving forward. It made me choose safe instead of faith. It made me over think ideas instead of acting on them. It made me assume that people will always be angry at me. It’s the kind of fear that made me question my salvation, God’s love and grace, and who I am.

I’m free from that kind of fear now, but it took prayers from friends, family, and spiritual leaders. It took accepting and understanding God’s grace and forgiveness. It even took forgiving myself and deciding to live in faith instead of fear.

If you go through that paralyzing fear, stop a moment and breathe. God loves you and extends His grace to you. Decide to live in faith and not in fear. And ask your friends, family, church group for prayer. And may I pray for you too?

Heavenly Father, This fear is not from You. I am letting it go. I am accepting Your love and grace. Please help me live by faith. Amen.

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