I was thinking about service. Actually I was unloading in my prayer journal and a realization sank in. Service – true service – is serving even though you don’t know how many number of souls your ministry is going to save.
I suppose I’m talking to the churches. How many ministries were started and closed because of the number of people it can or did not bring inside your doors?
I hear the arguments now. How we shouldn’t waste time because Jesus is coming soon. How it’s our mission, nay, our Great Commission, as Christians to spread the Gospel. The Church and the churches need to be doing all we can to win souls for Christ.
Well, yeah. That’s all true. But isn’t that why we are the body, not all hands and not all feet. Some are eyes and some are ears. Some are gifted to be evangelists, some pastors, some teachers, etc. God gave some “big” ministries, and to others, God gave “small” ministries.
Jesus continued to serve others (teaching them, healing them, feeding them) even when He was ridiculed, questioned, abandoned, or betrayed (I like how He healed the man’s ear in Luke 22:51 even when he was being arrested).
I think we need to serve like Jesus. We continue serving even when the numbers are low. When there are no new souls coming in. When the very people we serve makes us run out of the room crying.
We continue to serve because service is just another word for love.