Avoiding Noise

How much noise is in your life? Noise can be anything from the usual cacophony of life (like traffic or construction) to different voices that make it into your ears (like different people telling you what to do). Noise can also be piled up lists of things to do. I love that God didn’t reveal […]

4 Forms of Meditation for Selfcare

Meditation is the act or practice of spending time in quiet thought, contemplation, or reflection for religious purposes or relaxation. The first time I heard of meditation was in connection to yoga, which someone told me was a weird exercise thing that affects your mind. While at a YMCA one night, my sister was looking […]

Turn to God in Darkness

Scripture Text: Psalm 55 “As for me, I call to God, and the Lord saves me. Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice.” Psalm 55:16-17 (NIV) If you have doubts about depression, listen to have David has to say. There are people in the Bible who went through depression and the darkest […]

Motivational Music for Selfcare

I love how music can help shape our day, so I’m sharing with you some music to motivate you to practice selfcare or just encourage you to keep going, to trust in God, to remember that you are loved and you are strong. Overcomer by Mandisa Brave by Moriah Peters Come to Me by Jamie […]

Get Up and Go Outside

I’m an indoor person. I don’t like dirt. I don’t like sitting on the grass or the smell of freshly mowed lawn. I prefer the pool over the ocean and the car’s AC over fresh air from windows rolled down. To be fair on that last point, I live in the city where there’s a […]

Loving Your Body

When was the last time you stood stark naked in front of the mirror and appreciated your body, flaws and all? There’s a scene in the movie “Mean Girls” where the three popular girls stood in front of the mirror and pointed out their self-perceived flaws, while the new girl watched in wonder and finally […]

How to Create a Selfcare Kit

A selfcare kit is a box with items that are ready for you to use. I recommend a consistent practice of selfcare, but if you forget (like I do sometimes), this kit is here to hep you out. There are many ways to practice selfcare, so there are many kinds of selfcare kits. I think […]

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