My One Brave Thing

Brave. It’s #myoneword for 2018. It popped up everywhere. It’s what I need to be to make the changes I planned for this year. It’s my reminder to live by faith one step at a time.

A nagging voice comes around asking, “What is the one brave thing you’ll do this year?”

I have no answer, and it’s been pestering me. I know I have to be brave because changes are coming, but they’re changes I planned for. I know I need to be bravely honest in working on myself, but I already started doing that. I have goals and resolutions, but they don’t seem to need bravery.

How will this word stretch me? Change me? Move me? What is that one brave thing I need to do?

To this day, I don’t have an answer, but I’m finally okay with that because life throws enough curveballs. I don’t need to throw some at myself. My one brave thing is to face those curveballs without breaking down like I tend to do.

It’s not as exciting as jumping out a plane, selling everything to live minimally, or doing something I don’t really want to do. All things I thought could be my one brave thing. All legitimately brave things, but not for me.

I’m leaving room for the surprises, the whims, the fancies, and the answered prayers. I’m leaving room for what I can’t see, plan for, or even imagine. My one brave thing is for the things I do nothing for, good or bad.

What’s your one word for 2018?

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