When I Struggle to Believe

I watched “Risen” (now playing) about a Roman tribune, Clavius, who leads a manhunt for the body of Jesus, believed to have been stolen by the disciples.

Spoiler Alert!!!

Sort of….

Knowing the story of Jesus, it shouldn’t be a surprise that Clavius comes face-to-face with the risen Christ, and it changes his life. And yet, Clavius struggles with believing.

Many people say, “I’ll believe it when I see it.” Yet just like Calvius, they saw and still struggle to believe. Some never believe at all.

Jesus said, “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed” (John 20:29, NIV). As Easter approaches, I’m thinking about the times I struggle to believe.

I have seen the goodness of God and experienced it personally. I have basked in His love and grace. I have witnessed His miracles and heard His voice. But there are still moments when I struggle to believe in those very things I have seen.

A pastor once pointed out that if we believe we are saved by grace through faith because Jesus died and rose from the grave to save us, we should also believe everything else that comes from His sacrifice.


We should also believe the healing and power that is ours because of Jesus. We should also believe in the Holy Spirit, given to us when we first believed. We should also believe in the fruit of the Spirit that reigns in our lives because of our belief.

Because giving us those things are much easier for God to do than when He turned away from His Son to offer Him as a sacrifice in our stead. What Jesus did on the cross broke Him. It broke His body, disfigured His face, burst His heart, and burdened His Spirit. Everything else is like nothing on the effort scale. We have a living God, with whom nothing is impossible.

The next time we’re grasping for peace, searching for joy, or begging for help, let’s remember that we already have those and more. We are already in the arms of a Heavenly Father that does not forsake us, but provides for everything we need.


I’m linking up today with Holley’s Coffee for Your Heart.

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