3 Books on My Radar #blogtemberchallenge


Three books! One you just read, one you’re currently reading, and one you want to read.

I just read Looking for Lovely by Annie F. Downs. You can read my review of it, but it’s basically a great book you should read.


I’m currently reading Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery. She is annoyingly talkative, but most of the rest of her personality is a lot like me.


I want to read The Lord of the Rings trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien. I don’t know why. I know it’s a classic and the movies are great. Or so I heard. I’ve never seen the movies except for The Hobbit ones. Maybe these books are like Pride and Prejudice….I need to read them at just the right time in my life. They would have to wait though, since I have a lot of other books to get through first.


What about you? What are three books on your radar?

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