My Favorite Instagrammers #blogtemberchallenge


Round up of your favorite Instagrammers! Who should we follow?

Oh, Instagram. I’ve been annoyed at it because ever since they rolled out Stories, the app has been buggy on my phone. It would freeze and a “couldn’t refresh feed” message pops up. I have to clear all its data from my phone, which means having to log back in every time. I have 2 IG accounts that I connect with each other. One is personal (@annaangelars) and one is business (@homemadehomebody). Having to log back in several times a day…ugh. I know, first world problems, but still…ugh.

Anyway, here are some of my favorite Instagrammers.

@paulnicklen is a National Geographic fellow and photographer. He photographs wildlife and they’re breathtaking.

@anthemlightsband is a Christian boy band with great original music, amazing medleys, and funny videos.

@jjhellermusic is a Christian singer/songwriter that shares photos and videos of her family, travels, and behind-the-scenes into her music/video productions

@itsadayreally lets us know what we can celebrate today.

@therealmariskahargitay is the woman that plays Olivia Benson in Law & Order SVU, and the woman who founded the Joyful Heart Foundation, “helping sexual assault survivors heal and reclaim a sense of joy in their lives.” She also has the best hashtags.

@propelwomen shares Bible verses, encouraging quotes, and updates on their events.

@operationchristmaschild posts pictures of their processing center, kids who receive shoeboxes, and ideas of things to pack inside shoeboxes. I love hitting up sale racks and collecting items to place inside shoeboxes year-round. It’s encouraging to see pictures and read stories or testimonials of the people who pack and the kids who receive these shoeboxes. It’s so easy to do and the impact is life changing.

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