5 Things that Bring Me Joy #blogtemberchallenge


Five things that bring you joy.

Only five? Well, alright then. Here are five things that bring me joy.

When God reveals Himself (and I was paying attention)
I like it when things make sense. Growing up reading Nancy Drew made me love mysteries, but they have to be solved at the end of the book. I need a happily ever after with no loose ends. So when faith makes sense, when it all connects together, when God pulls back the curtain and says, “Remember all those hurdles you had to go through? Well, ta-da! This is why.”, I love it!

When God reveals Himself and I was paying attention (because I don’t always pay attention), joy happens. Even in the middle of my ugliest cry session, joy happens. I won’t laugh out loud. The tears don’t suddenly dry up. But joy – the kind that’s part of the fruit of the Spirit – happens.

But I also love this kind of God-has-a-sense-of-humor moments:

(Watch the video on the blog)

There’s just no way around it. I love food. Hangry (hungry+angry) is a very real thing to me. My favorite type of food is pasta and sweets, but my favorite comfort dishes are Filipino dishes: Lugaw (Filipino porridge) and Miswa with Meatballs (a Filipino soup with miswa/misua noodles and pork & shrimp meatballs).

Classical music
I’m severely out of practice as a pianist. I can’t tell you which composer created which piece, or name the piece I’m listening to unless it’s culturally popular. I can also no longer categorize a piece as Romantic, Baroque, etc. But oh, I love listening to classical music. It has a way of melting the world away. It has a way of inspiring imagination. It has a way of breathing enthusiasm into the day.

Travel (aka exploring something new)
I love to travel mostly because I love exploring new places, even if it’s new places in old spaces. And I love seeing different cultures, trying new foods, and getting to experience the world. It’s big and small. We have many differences, and yet many similarities. I love museums. I love places where cities and history and nature collide.

Writing (aka when dreams and imaginations take flight)
But of course I had to add writing. Getting my thoughts down in a journal. Writing stories. Sharing insights on this blog.

What about you? What five things bring you joy?

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