My Biggest Obsession to Date

Brave Love BlogBlog-tember Challenge prompt: Just for fun, your latest obsession.
What can you not get enough of these days?

Grande iced coffee with milk and hazelnut has been my go-to Starbucks order for a long while now. It is less than $3 and delicious. But the pumpkin spice latte is back and with a new recipe using real pumpkin, and it’s the perfect drink to welcome Fall.

Odwalla bars. I found them at my local grocery store on sale for $1 each and decided to try them for the first time. I love the Banana Nut, like the Original Superfood, and disklike the Choco-Walla. I bought other flavors too and hope they turn out good. I’m on the look out for something I can eat on-the-go on those early mornings because I am not a morning person, but I am a hungry person. The Odwalla bars are easy to eat and filling.

Another obsession is buying school supplies because there are still stores (ie: Target and Walgreens) that have them in Clearance. I do buy them for Operation Christmas Child so they’re going to a great cause. I recently saw and bought full size + 30% more Colgate toothpaste at a grocery store on sale for $0.99 each. I want to pack shoeboxes already!

My biggest obsession, however, is getting rid of stuff.

I donated a huge box of books recently, and have started to fill up another box with more books, magazines, and DVDs. I also deleted a lot of eBooks on my computer and Nook.

I started paring down my wardrobe. I haven’t donated any clothes since I’m want to try to sell them through Vinted. Many of the clothes are barely worn but are now too big on me (praise God for that).

I’m also decluttering. Anybody want picture frames or a toy knitting machine?

When God asked me to let some things go, He started with my books. I don’t know if I shared that here or with anyone. But that’s what God asked for. He asked for my precious precious books. Not all of them, but the fictional ones whose worlds I tend to live in. He wanted them. He wanted me to let go of them in order to let go of the fictional worlds I tend to get stuck in.

It wasn’t about the books. God was never after my stuff. As always, as He has always been and always will be, God was after my heart.

[bctt tweet=”God isn’t after our stuff. He is after our hearts.”]

do get stuck in fictional worlds. They become my obsession. What if I lived in their worlds? What if I was the protagonist or the enemy? What would I do differently? How would I act?

In writing fiction myself, that wasn’t a bad place to be. But with my real life, it was horrible. It’s easy to forget that God has a life for me to live and plans for me to follow. I love my books, but when they pull me away from living my life, then it’s time to let them go.

I’m creating more physical space to give my soul breathing room. That’s my latest obsession. May it be books, clothes, stuff, activities, or thoughts of guilt or not being enough, I’m letting go.

What do you need to let go of to allow your soul to breathe?

2 thoughts on “My Biggest Obsession to Date

  1. I very badly need to declutter. The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up seems to be all the rage right now. Have you read it? I have not tried Odwalla bars but I have tried their Orange Juice and next to fresh squeezed it is the BEST I’ve ever had. Happy Thursday!

    1. I should try their juice and look up that book. I’m horrible at cleaning up… Or rather keeping my space clutter free. Thanks for stopping by Cristy!

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