
The Case for Waiting (No, I’m not twiddling my thumbs)

“Stop waiting!” they exclaim to the single, usually Christian, ladies. “Live your life!” What in the world do you think I’m doing? Twiddling my thumbs?!? There was a moment in Christian history where single Christians jumped on the bandwagon of I Kissed Dating Goodbye and chanted youth rally slogans like, “Crush the crush!” This happened in […]

Book Review: American Omens by Travis Thrasher

American Omens is a multiple point-of-view novel about a kind-of post-apocalyptic world controlled by an elite group of wealthy, powerful individuals intent on eradicating Christianity using human-implanted technology and artificial intelligence (AI). Though, I’m not usually a fan of multiple POVs, I found that this novel was easy to read and follow, but I was […]

Movie Review: Breakthrough

Based on a true story, “Breakthrough” is the story of a boy who, after drowning in an icy lake and being declared dead for almost an hour, came back to life when his mother started to pray. “Breakthrough” is an inspiring, heart-tugging, must-see movie for everyone. Mark your calendars, get your tickets, and bring tissues. […]

My 2019 One Word & 34th Year

One of the things I like about being a January baby is starting my year 16 days later than everyone else. It’s not very productive, but I feel like it takes about that long to recover from the holidays and get my head on straight and ready for the new year ahead. So no more […]

CHANGES to my 23andMe Ancestry DNA Report

23and Me added 13 new populations to their database. As a result, my Ancestry DNA Report was changed and updated! There are quite a few changes that I want to share with you below. You can see the old and new Ancestry DNA breakdown below.   If you want to find out your Ancestry DNA […]

Book Review: “Stretched Too Thin” by Jessica N. Turner

Stretched Too Thin: How Working Moms Can Lose the Guilt, Work Smarter, and Thrive is Jessica N. Turner’s book specially for working moms. As a single non-mom, I hesitated before reading this book. It wasn’t written for me. Is worth the read? Will most of the content gloss over my head? Should I even bother? […]

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