I was writing in my prayer journal and asked God if He ever wonders about me, like how parents wonder about their children when they do something not so nice. Like how Sunday school teachers wonder about a usually well-mannered child who suddenly threw a tantrum or seemed to have been exchanged for a doppelganger with […]
You Must Do No Work!
In Leviticus 23, God gives Moses instructions regarding Appointed Festivals. These are official days for holy assembly. Like a national holiday but with more requirements. Like rest. The Sabbath, which happens every week, is already a day of complete rest. Then there are the festivals with days where everyone must stop all their ordinary work or […]
The Perfect Soft-Boiled Egg
Today I made the perfect soft-boiled egg. Actually, I made several perfect soft-boiled eggs. This video showed me how: ALL of the eggs were perfect soft-boiled eggs. ALL of them. You can probably guess how I know. Your first guess is probably right. I should probably hit the gym right about now. But I just […]
I Forgot About Being Ready
Ready. Have I forgotten already? The one word that God impressed in my heart for 2014. The word that reminds me of where a I’m standing. I’m standing on a precipice. Poised to fly. Or to retreat. There are two ways I can go, but only one way I want to go. Forward. Forward into the plans […]
The One Big Answer to Loneliness
My sister and I visited Mark Pinto‘s exhibits “Joes Come Home” and “22 Joes Everyday.” The first exhibit uses digital photo prints of G.I. Joe dolls depicting issues facing Veterans, like homelessness, PTSD, divorce, traumatic brain injury, and suicide. The second exhibit is an installation of toy parachuted soldiers hanging from nooses. It depicts 22 […]
When Your Parachute Breaks
Did you know that when your parachute breaks, you can still end up in the hospital even if your jumping partner saves you mid-air? I was in Target and leafed through a survival book, landing on what happens if your parachute fails to open. What you’re supposed to do is loop your arms (up to […]
10 Things I Wish I Knew Before Joining the Ministry (Part 3)
As fun and funny children can be, I learned that being in a ministry is no joke. It’s is hard work and you learn a lot. Hindsight is always 20/20, isn’t it? Here are the last 4 things I wish I knew before joining the ministry. You can read the first 3 here and the second […]