One afternoon in a place I used to work, my co-worker found out that I was a Christian and held a leadership position in a ministry at church. And she said, “Ohhhh. You’re one of those people.” To which I replied, “Yes, yes I am.” Subject dropped. I could have asked what she meant asked for […]
Giving Up Passion
I gave up on passion. As quiet as I may be, as introverted, even as shy, I was a passionate spitfire. If I wasn’t, I truly believe I would have less embarrassing moments growing up. But I felt deeply, acted deeply, and believed deeply. Then a time came in my life when – without going […]
31 Days of Passion
Passion. In faith, life, and the ministry. This is the first year I’m joining The Nester’s 31 Days writing challenge. I’m excited and apprehensive because there’s a lot going on this month for me, and 31 things on one topic is a lot to say. I decided to write on 31 Days of Passion because […]
Five Minute Friday: True
Truth is I’m on my 2nd bottle of Mucinex and millionth cup of tea. Okay, 7th cup of tea. I hate being sick. It makes me a headcase. I can’t think, can’t breathe, and can hardly sleep. My nose is stuffed and my inhaler is always within an arm’s reach. And here’s where I apologize […]
Five Minute Friday: She
She paused, pen mid-air. Her mouth hung open. Her eyes confused, baffled, lost. Words I never want to describe my nurse ever again. Today, I’m going to get real about something all women go through, but that I only go through 1-2 times a year. When the nurse asked me when I last had my period, […]
Why I’m a Child Sponsor
When I found out about child sponsorship, my heart beat a little harder. My mom didn’t allow me because I was in high school. Then in college, a World Vision rep made a presentation at chapel and I signed up at her table. I asked to sponsor a baby girl from the Philippines. I received […]
Five Minute Friday: Mercy and Compassion
The two lawyers stood facing each other, reeling from each other’s deception. “Mercy,” she said, “is from a position of power.” It was the day of my final exam. I was dead tired from studying the previous day and night. I had a presentation to make, but I didn’t make it to class on time. […]