Five Minute Friday: Mercy and Compassion

Five Minute FridayThe two lawyers stood facing each other, reeling from each other’s deception.
“Mercy,” she said, “is from a position of power.”

It was the day of my final exam. I was dead tired from studying the previous day and night. I had a presentation to make, but I didn’t make it to class on time. I got to my small 8 person class extremely late. The professor wasn’t going to let me make the presentation. I missed my chance and I was going to fail. But my classmates rallied for me and pleaded on my behalf. The professor allowed me to present anyway, and I passed the class.

That happened at a dark time in my life when I was filled with apathy and I frankly didn’t think anyone cared.

But when my classmates pleaded on my behalf, literally begged for me, I saw compassion at work. We were a small class, but I wasn’t the most social person. At that time, I was actually pretty anti-social. I hardly spoke. I hardly cared. But, without benefit to them, they did something good for me.

And the professor showed mercy. In his position of power and completely within his rights to fail me, he didn’t.

*Bending the rules of Five Minute Friday here* Google defines mercy as “compassion or forgiveness shown towards someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm.” Compassion is defined as “sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.”

In Lamentations 3:22-23, it says that God’s mercy is new every morning (summarizing here). But other translations say compassion instead of mercy.

Compassion and mercy often goes hand in hand. They fuel each other. My classmates showed me compassion, which helped my professor give me mercy. And when we show mercy, we usually end up showing compassion too. May your today be filled with mercy and compassion. May it be filled with love.

BTW, the lawyer scene above was from a tv show I saw this week. Funny how things work out 🙂
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2 thoughts on “Five Minute Friday: Mercy and Compassion

  1. Hi! I posted right before you over at Lisa Jo’s place for this week’s 5 Minute Friday. I thought I’d hop on over to your place and say hello. I wouldn’t worry too much about bending any rules. I’ve done it now & then and the bloggy land police have never come knocking at my door. I think that mercy and compassion are similar, but had never thought of them fueling each other. I like your example and how you brought your point across. Thanks for sharing this. Oh, while I was here I had a look around (your about me page). I’ve never tried an iced marble mocha macchiato, but it sure sounds yummy! I’m sure I’ll be by to visit again. Have a blessed evening.

  2. So funny that you chose to write about this instance with your prof. I had a similar experience in college! And its true: mercy and compassion do go hand in hand. Glad to have met you, friend!

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