How To Have Your Life Not Suck is a Christian nonfiction book where Bianca draws out life lessons from the Biblical account of Ruth to help guide readers in faith, life, and love.

Imagine holding a glass of wine and lounging on the couch while listening, laughing, and talking with your homegirl. This is that book. Bianca is honest and funny while delivering wisdom, encouragement, and practical help.
I love Bianca’s understandable deep dive into Ruth’s life and what we can learn from this book in the Bible. She did her research into the historical and cultural background of Ruth to give us a better understanding of what she was going through. Then, Bianca translated what she learned in a way we can understand and relate to in today’s world.
I very much appreciated Dr. Deb’s Thoughts From A Therapist sections, and very much appreciated that Bianca included that in her book. You get a mix of inspirational and informational learning from Dr. Deb. Love that.
Now, before you think this is a typical self-help book, stop. I’ve read books that were like that (masked as inspirational Christian book) and they only left me feeling bad about myself. This book is not that. I literally paused and took deep breaths before reading the different parts of the books to steel myself, prepare myself for the hard truths I need to accept alongside careless statements that only hurt (you know, the ones where authors look down on you as they stand on a statement teetering on a soapbox atop a platform). Didn’t happen with this book.
There were hard truths, yes, but delivered in love and with caveats of understanding that everyone is coming from different places in life. Bianca didn’t compromise on God’s truth, but also understood that life isn’t black and white. I didn’t come away feeling bad about myself. Instead, I was able to extend understanding and grace to myself. Then, I was motivated to get up and get going.
If you feel a little stuck, this book is for you. That’s where I was and it’s like Bianca came over to sympathize, cheer me on, then kick me in the behind to get me moving towards a…well…a life that didn’t suck!
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Title: How To Have Your Life Not Suck
Author: Bianca Juarez Olthoff
Publisher: Zondervan (August 27, 2019)
I received an ebook copy of this book from the publisher, but as always, all opinions are my own and I wouldn’t recommend a book I didn’t like. I loved this book that I bought a hard copy of it!