Weekend Fun Inspiration

Blog-tember Challenge prompt: Create a collage or inspiration/mood board for this season in your life. There’s a familiar picture above. The dancing girl was also on my blog mood board. I actually have it printed out to have an inspiration I can hold in my hands. I love how freely she twirls without a thought […]

Weekend Fun & What’s up?

Blog-tember Challenge prompt: What are you up to currently? Today, specifically, I’m attending a church meeting/training. In general, here’s what I’m up to. On the blog I’m obviously participating in the Blog-tember Challenge, and I’m enjoying it! Next month, I’ll be participating in the Write 31 Days challenge, and in November, I’m participating in NaNoWriMo. In […]

Weekend Fun & Friday Night

Blog-tember Challenge prompt: It’s a Friday night and you decide to stay in. What do you do? It’s Friday night and I usually stay in! I know. How exciting. It is for this introvert! My Friday nights look like watching Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune, and the Disney Channel or a movie (if Disney’s got nothing […]

Ten in Ten

Blog-tember Challenge prompt: 10 items off your bucket list. Just ten? My bucket list is a little long and that’s okay. Bucket lists are a life thing, right? I could get lost in dreaming about the things I want to do, but I’ve been learning how to set goals. Here are ten items on my […]

Dear Me, This is Freedom

Blog-tember Challenge Prompt: Write a letter to sixteen-year-old you. Dear 16-year-old Angela, You’d be driving by now and loving it. It has given you a sense of freedom you’ve never had before, a freedom you have always desperately wanted. You see, we have wanderlust. We have an itch to see the world around us. To […]

Tis the Season

Blog-tember Challenge prompt: Tell us about your favorite season. Why is it your favorite and what does it say about you? I like the singleness season because I’m in it right now and learning so much about God and myself. 😀 My new favorite season is Spring. Sorry, Summer, but you got too hot and […]

What’s in a Blog Name?

Blog-tember Challenge prompt: Tell us about your blog name. Where did it come from? My blog name, Anna Angela, is my first name. Creative, isn’t it? It came from my parents, mostly my mom. There are two main reasons I chose my first name and it’s a little embarrassing to admit. Here goes anyway. Reason 1 […]

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