Weekend Fun Inspiration

Brave Love BlogBlog-tember Challenge prompt: Create a collage or inspiration/mood board
for this season in your life.

My Season Mood Board

There’s a familiar picture above. The dancing girl was also on my blog mood board. I actually have it printed out to have an inspiration I can hold in my hands. I love how freely she twirls without a thought or care for anyone else. I want to dance for an audience of One. To live this life without a thought or care for what anyone else thinks.

It seems that when someone asks me where I am in life, my answer is a season of singleness. But being single isn’t all I am or what is going on in my life. I would say that I’m in a season of faith, but faith isn’t simply a season. However, at this point in my life, I feel like my faith is being stretched, tested, proven, and changed.

I am in a season of new wine and new wineskin.

And, I’m afraid, I have myself to thank for that. It was my prayer about two years ago, around the time I started this blog. It was around the time I started to really heal from the past. Whenever I remembered how my relationship with God was when I was younger, I shook my head because I knew I didn’t want to go back. I was different. I was a new wineskin, so I prayed for a new wine – a new faith to go with the new me.

I truly didn’t realize that until right now. It’s blowing my mind! So before I get lost in a new train of thought, let me explain my inspiration board.

“Once upon a time” represents writing and how God is showing me that this gift is from Him and can be used to honor Him. It is a ministry, too, and not separate from His plans.

The wheat stalks and family silhouette represents my job in the children’s ministry and our move into family ministry. “You are where I want you to be,” was a whisper from God to my heart. These pictures remind me to do my best where I am, and to start reaching families for Christ because the family is in the heart of God.

The white cala lily is my favorite flower, and God reminded me of His promise to provide for me by telling me to look at the lilies as He told us in Luke 12:27 and Matthew 6:28.

The Bible with the wedding ring reminds me to trust God and put faith in His plans. One night, He whispered to my heart, “I will present you to him.” Of course I’ve thought about how people meet, but I’ve never thought of being presented. It’s nice to think God will handle the introductions. All I have to do is have faith.

The globe and the quote from Tolkien represents travel. I love to travel. I love exploring new places. God’s been making a way for me to do that at His expense because He’s awesome.

And the ice cream cone reminds me of self-care, a lesson I learned the hard way. If we don’t take care of ourselves, we can’t take care of others. We can actually do more damage than good. This time, I make sure I practice self-care.

This is a great season to be in!

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