The Heart of Worship

She sang one of the older songs. The song that made a huge impact when it was released. The song that was sung over and over, time and again, but it cannot be sung to death. The song that gracefully stepped back to make room for newer songs. The song that worship leaders pull out of their back pockets because it’s an echo of our prayers.

I’m coming back to the heart of worship
and it’s all about You. It’s all about You, Jesus
I’m sorry, Lord, for the thing I’ve made it
when it’s all about You. It’s all about You, Jesus

But this time was different. At least for me.

On the surface, this song makes us figure out what the heart of worship is. It’s more than a song. It’s more than the act of singing. It’s about our hearts fully given to Jesus.

Then it dawned on me – I like to think the Holy Spirit reminded me – that worship is not just the singing and the praising, the hands-in-the-air and dancing. Or in my case, the Pentecostalizing. Worship includes everything we do for God, and everything we do can be worship unto God (Tweet this!)

Teaching discipleship classes, that’s worship. Chaperoning a youth group event, that’s worship. Leading a Bible study or small group, that’s worship. Cleaning the church bathroom all by yourself early in the mid-week morning, that’s worship. As long as our hearts are fully given to Jesus, even wiping the snot of a toddler in Sunday school is worship.

And then….

Studying for a test in school can be worship. Dealing with ornery customers can be worship. Waiting in line at the grocery store can be worship. Doing errands for your neighbor can be worship. Writing a blog – be it about God or fashion or product reviews – can be worship. When our hearts are fully given to Jesus, even eating and resting can be worship unto God.

Can be worship unto God because we can turn any of these things into something that is not worship.

We can do the ministry for ourselves or out of habit. We can clean the church in drudgery. We can excel in school because of pride, or work hard at our jobs for money. We can blog or vlog or podcast for fame. There are many ways to twist one thing and turn it into something that is not worship.

Then it’s time to face God and apologize. I’m sorry for the thing I’ve made it. I’m sorry for forgetting that everything I do is all about You, Jesus.

The Bible tells us

Colossians 3:17, 23


“So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” 1 Corinthians 10:31.

When our hearts are fully given to Jesus, we’re in the heart of worship, whatever we’re doing.

Personally, I think God is reminding me to be ready. When He pours out whatever He has in store for me, I need to remember to worship Him through what I do. To not get caught up in the things themselves, but to give them back to God and do it all for His glory. Whatever I’m ready for, whatever you’re pursuing, whatever is coming our way, let us enter the heart of worship. Let us worship God in everything we do, and let’s make everything we do be worship unto God.

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