Keep Talking to God

A brother in church passed away last Sunday. He was hit by a car and was unresponsive in the hospital for less than 24 hours before he went to be with the Lord. It’s sudden and a lot of us are in shock.

There is comfort in knowing that he’s in Heaven, but grief comes in stages and different forms. Every person grieves differently and experiences differently.

But one lesson I learned when you go through a devastating event is that you need to keep talking to God.

Many years ago, I went through a deep pain. It was devastating and traumatic. I was so lost that I stopped talking to God. Not just praying but relating.

I realize now that God was always with me. He never stopped loving me or reaching out to me. But I couldn’t see any of that because I ignored Him. After crying a lot, I was angry. When I refused to let that anger go, refused to forgive, that’s when I started ignoring God. I knew He was wooing me back to Him. He wanted me to surrender the yoke – the pain – I was carrying so He can carry it for me. But I can be stubborn, especially when I feel justice is owed to me.

It took many years to heal. To learn that God is my Justifier. To realize that forgiveness meant I don’t need to have my justice. To trust again. To reconnect. To rebuild.

Sometimes it still feels like I’m in preschool learning my ABCs about God. And part of the alphabet is P for perseverance. To continue to talk to God even when the pain is so great that all you could do is say, “Father” before bawling your eyes out. Keep talking to God even if it seems like He’s silent, even if it feels like you’re praying to a wall.

God is listening to you. Even when it doesn’t feel like it. Trust His Word. He is with you. He hears you. He loves you.

When my grandfather passed away this past March, there were moments when I felt like falling into pain and regret. But I learned the hard way that I need to keep talking to God. To open myself for His healing and love. To persevere in relating with Him, allowing Him to carry my burdens. Then hope flares. Peace settles. Love embraces.

Would you keep the family of our brother in your prayers? His wife and two children need all the prayers and support we can give. And would you keep my church in your prayers? This is the third death our congregation had this year. Would you pray that whatever toll these loses may take are given up to the Lord?

And if you’re going through a devastating loss or pain, I am praying for you. May you feel God’s amazing, wonderful love. God is hope, peace, and love. He longs to carry your pains and burdens. Talk to Him even if all you can do is cry or scream. He can take it. Just keep talking to God. Don’t give up. He is listening.

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